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A new project that will feature:


  • A visitor center presenting the creationist view of how the Grand Canyon was formed


  • A rest area for travelers to and from the Grand Canyon


  • A presentation room for videos and guest lectures


  • A gift / book store with God-honoring resources


… directly on the most popular route to the south rim of Grand Canyon National Park 

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The opportunity

It is estimated that about 5 million visitors annually travel to Grand Canyon National Park.1 Many are citizens of foreign countries.


The Grand Canyon is an amazing spectacle that is truly world-famous. Its features have baffled scientists for decades. Mainstream geologists lament that there is no consensus on the origin of the massive layers and enormous canyon.2 However, signage and interpretive talks convey to visitors with certainty that it required millions of years to accomplish. As monumental as Grand Canyon is, it is actually merely a window to a testimony that is often hidden around the world.


To the Bible believer, the Grand Canyon is a stewardship which points to the reality that the entire world, in the not too distant past, was judged by God with a global flood.


“For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water.” (2 Peter 3:5-6)


The scenario

If you listen to first time visitors at the Rim, you will hear expressions of amazement, disbelief, and wonder at the unbelievable depth, the stunning continual layers stretched across the horizon, and the nearly flat plateau. 

Hearing the park ranger recite the startling facts and figures, along with a summary of the current “consensus” geological explanations, most visitors walk away thinking millions of years must be true.

There is a great opportunity to offer an explanation that supports the Biblical account of the flood of Noah’s day, and affirms the authority of Scripture, with the ultimate goal of pointing people to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. According to the National Park Service.

  2. Bill Dickinson, Geoscientist - (1:15)


The goal

We hope to have informational displays, videos, and exhibits that will present a creationist model of the formation of both the layers that make up the canyon and the canyon itself. Our goal is to produce quality displays such as those that are seen in the national park.


We will also have displays inside and out to highlight the beauty and grandeur of the northern Arizona landscape and how the Biblical account of earth history is the best explanation for it all.


Along with displays we will also have a presentation room, a park-like rest area, a stargazing area, and a nature trail.

The location

The Lord has allowed us to purchase land about 1 mile north of Valle, AZ (aka Grand Canyon Junction), which is about 30 minutes from the South Rim Entrance of Grand Canyon National Park.  This area was selected because the majority of visitors coming to the South Rim pass this location. Whether coming up U.S. Hwy 180 from Flagstaff or Arizona Hwy 64 from Williams, travelers will pass the Grand Canyon Creation Visitor Center.


The organizers

While helping to run the Seven Wonders Museum and visitor center on the road to Mount Saint Helens in the summer of 2013, Dave and Debbie Klein and family caught a vision for a similar center on the road to the Grand Canyon. Now 11 years later, the Lord is opening the door for them and their two youngest children, Joshua and Daniel, to start on this long-awaited project. 

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